Test center SZ-01
Universal test center SZ-01 was developed in 2013 (developer is S&P Group "TRIBO-FATIGUE", manufacturer is PG "Gomselmash"). SZ-01 center is a Hi-Tech product according to the criteria of novelty and efficiency. Its main advantages are:
- wide versatility – the following test methods are implemented in a single test rig: mechanical fatigue, rolling friction (rolling fatigue), sliding friction (sliding fatigue), mechano-rolling fatigue (rolling friction
mechanical fatigue), mechano-sliding fatigue (sliding friction
mechanical fatigue ), fretting fatigue.
- complete unification of the sizes of all tested objects;
- possibility of effective simulation of the main conditions of various components of modern machines and equipment for critical applications and the reproduction of their typical operational damage and destruction in the laboratory environment;
- modular design: single bed + 2 drives → individual modules to implement all test methods of the standardized test specimens;
- mechatronic loading devices (contact and bending loads) and drives of the rotational motion;
- measurement (with high precision) of integral and local (in 8 points along the shaft’s circumference at its every revolution) characteristics of friction, wear, displacements, etc.;
- software and automation for standard and accelerated test methods, recording of the measured parameters and initial processing of statistical arrays of experimental data;
- registration of multi-criteria limiting states of the tested objects (limiting wear, pitting, destruction into pieces, critical displacement and vibration) and automatic termination of tests at these states.
5 June 2013 Belarusian State University (BSU) hosted a presentation of Hi-Tech level test center (developed by S&P Group "TRIBO-FATIGUE", manufactured by PG "Gomselmash"). The presentation was attended by representatives of S&P Group "TRIBO-FATIGUE", PG "Gomselmash", Belarusian State University, Belarusian State University of Transport, Joint Institute of Mechanical Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk Automobile Plant (MAZ), Belarusian Autoworks (BELAZ) and others. SZ-01 test center received a high appraisal from the experts.
22 June 2013 Belarusian State University (BSU) held talks on scientific and technical cooperation between Prof. M.A. Zhuravkov (first-vice rector of Belarusian State University), Prof. Daoyuan Wang (President of Japanese Creativity institute for Enterprnures, President of Binzhou Ceativity Machinery Co.Ltd., Vice-president of All Japan Association for Chinese Scholars) and Prof. L.A. Sosnovskiy (director of S&P Group "TRIBO-FATIGUE"). Mutual cooperation in the production of SZ test center (SI-series machines) and the possibility of carrying out joint work on modeling the processes of wear-fatigue damage were discussed. A number of specialists participated in the negotiations.