Tribo-Fatigue... it is serious. Tribo-Fatigue studies interaction of phenomena rather than mutual effect of factors
L. А. Sosnovskiy
Professor, D. Sc
September, 1993
...It is in Belarus where a new science was born – Tribo-Fatigue – one of the most perspective fields in mechanics
K. V. Frolov
Vice-president of the RAS, Academician of the RAS and the NASB, Professor, D. Sc., Hero of Labor, Head of A. A. Blagonravov Institute of Machine Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences
September, 1993
...Great science is made in Gomel. From the engineering point of view, Tribo-Fatigue is based on the study of the interaction of elements of mechanical systems. It is this interaction that finally governs the reliability of both parts and a machine as a whole. It means that we seize making calculation for each specific element but start making calculation and designs of mechanical systems
М. S. Vysotsky
Vice-President of the NASB, Academician of the NASB, Professor, D. Sc., General Designer of the Industrial Group "BelautoMAZ", Laureate of the State Prizes of the Republic of Belarus and the USSR
September, 1993
…A new science, Tribo-Fatigue… will allow critical units of machines and structures to be properly designed
V. Т. Troshchenko
Academician of the NASU, Professor, D. Sc., Head of the Institute of Problems of Strength of the National Academy of NASU, Laureate of the State Prizes of the USSR and Ukraine
July, 1995
…For two decades of its existence this new research trend has proved great scientific and practical significance of the problem of studying complex interaction of elements in mechanical systems and methods of their damage control…
P. А. Vityaz
Academician of the NASB, Academician of the International Academy of Sciences of Eurasia, Professor, D. Sc., Honored Scientist of the Republic of Belarus, First Vice-Chairman of the Presidium of the NASB
July, 2005
…Tribo-Fatigue as a science most likely will hold its place in one of the new trends, in which the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Academies of Sciences of other countries are engaged... This trend includes: physics, chemistry, the mechanics of catastrophes, safety and protection methods. Its aim may be formulated briefly as follows: the elaboration of methods, means, criteria and ways of protection against technical accidents and catastrophes
N. А. Makhutov
Corresponding Member of the RAS, Professor, D. Sc., Head of the Department of A. A. Blagonravov Institute of Machine Studies of the RAS, Chairman of Scientific Council of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia
September, 1993
...The birth of a new science happens not so often nowadays, therefore it is, undoubtedly, a credit to any state… The Republic of Belarus is the cradle of Tribo-Fatigue. It was acknowledged by the great scientists of our time
V. I. Strazhev
Professor, D. Sc., Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Belarus
July, 1995
...The problems of the development of aircraft-cosmic equipment, atomic energetics, engineering facilities for conquering the Ocean, deep entrails of the Earth, the creation of artificial joints, heart-valves, differ-ent organs of man and an animal, the industrial development of high density magnetic recording, the improvement of reliability of a new generation of machines and mechanisms, raising the efficiency, accuracy and safety are closely linked with the level of knowledge in tribology, corrosion, fatigue, with an understanding of the phenomena of the above-mentioned processes which occur simultaneously. This direction may be called Tribo-Corro-Fatigue
Yu. N. Drosdov
Professor, D. Sc., Academician of the Academy of Cosmonautics of Russia, Head of the Department of A. A. Blagonravov Institute of Machine Studies of the RAS
June, 1995
The main problem of the specialists in Tribo-Fatigue is to control the processes of complex (wear-fatigue) damage in order to achieve optimal (and feasible) service life of a specific active system. Efforts are made to use wear and fatigue damage in the process of operation useful to extend durability of a unit
Gao Wanzhen
Professor, Director of Wuhan Research Institute of Materials Protection
…The development of Tribo-Fatigue brings about the introduction and standardization of methods of complex wear-fatigue tests. When experts will speak on one, the standardized language, we can correctly and quickly introduce in the industry results of the newest workings out on Tribo-Fatigue and receive from them real return
V. N. Koreshkov
Chairman of the State Committee on Standardization, Metrology and Certification of the Republic of Belarus
September, 1993
…Tribo-Fatigue is a new and a rapidly developing branch of mechanics… Some years ago the course "Fundamentals of Tribo-Fatigue" was introduced into the curriculum of the BelGUT… By now necessary text-books have been published dealing with the course. The presentation of the latest achievements of the science in the framework of the subject contributes undeniably to the improvement of training level of future mechanical engineers
V. I. Senko
Professor, D. Sc., Rector of the Belarusian State University of Transport, Honored Scientist of Education of the Republic of Belarus
September, 2002
...The practical significance of the new science is quite essential... It allows one to study characteristics of materials, parts, units, and entire structures in extremely short time and to optimize the use of expensive materials and structures when fabricating articles that is a crucial cost factor. In principle, if to say briefly on Tribo-Fatigue, the essence of this science and our work... is exactly in this advantage, i. e. control, optimization, and accelerated testing
V. А. Zhmailik
General Director of PG Gomselmash, Ph. D., Honored Worker of Industry of the Republic of Belarus, Laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Belarus
October, 2006